17 toukokuun, 2024

Automaattinen Tienaaminen

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Home » ONPASSIVE 3 month plan for 2024 – Automaattinen Tienaaminen

ONPASSIVE 3 month plan for 2024 – Automaattinen Tienaaminen

6 min read

ONPASSIVE 3 month plan for 2024

Key insights 2024
The CEO is committed to over delivering and making things better for users, ensuring that any subscription issues will be sorted out.

“I am convinced that 2024 is going to be the biggest year in ONPASSIVE.”

New products coming, stay tuned.

The CEO’s goal is for the company to have its very own ecosystem with a single sign on, aiming to own the internet.

The smallest of the three main players in the big data arena is grossing a turnover of $500 million a year, and #ONPASSIVE is entering that arena with the potential for significant revenue.

In January, #ONPASSIVE is looking to make payouts in excess of 10 million US dollars to the affiliates, that is big money!

The Best Is Yet To Come: The positive effect of ONPASSIVE is already evident, and it’s just the beginning.

The reality of ONPASSIVE’s success will lead to a viral effect as users start sharing their earnings with friends and family, creating a snowball effect of growth.

The future of this company is going to be mindblowing in 2024, positioning us in the best place for monumental success.

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ONPASSIVE need three more things to succeed:
We do not have to use anything external if you remember our CEO said what do we need to own the internet and he said number one we need to have a very own ecosystem with a single sign-on we’ve got that already.

The other thing that he mentioned was that we have to have complete control of our data domain names and website sites this is to do with the servers we know that is on its way very quickly through the hands of Dr. Tarek in Egypt he’s told us when he came on ONPASSIVE 360 Show a couple of weeks ago or the week before last from his Egypt that he (Dr. Tarek) was saying that they had bound 300 people working on this as well and he gave some amazing figures of the three main players in the big data arena and the smallest of those three companies is grossing turnover of $500 million a year  that’s half a billion we are entering that Arena so I gave the analogy of just 10% and if you remember when Ash came on Monday Funday Show on Sunday Christmas Eve special he said he believes it’s going to be much higher than that but all that revenue is coming to the company and CEO’s already said that this will be shared amongst Affiliates.

The last thing that we need to have to own the internet is Merchants okay we has full control over our payment system at the moment this has been done through a third party in fact a company have taken over the facilitation of this for ONPASSIVE but to have complete control and ease as far as charges are concerned etc then we need to have that in house as well and once we’ve got all those three things in house and we are well underway and these have been escalated because of the third party problems that we’ve had then really is no stopping us these are going to be facilitated within 2024

And if you remember back a couple of months CEO Ash was laying out a bit of a timeline for these to happen and he said he was hopeful within the third first quarter of 2024 so the best in my opinion is yet to come we know that January is getting started with a huge bang.
CEO has already told us that in January they are looking to make payouts in excess of 10 million US dollars to the affiliates that is big money that is guys and that is going to be spread to the people who are going to be lucky enough to make withdraw as far as commissions is concerned, he actually did say that he was hopeful that this could start by the end of this year (2023) but obviously whenever we are using a thirdparty organization some things are out of our control regardless of how much we want things to happen when there is third parties involved, you can want all but unfortunately we have to wait the same as everyone else does exactly the same as if you order something online they say they’ve posted it, it gets delayed you want it really quickly but you are in the hands of a third party so we know it’s coming this is the main thing and that is what we have to hold tight on to is that we know it is coming it’s not a question of if, it is a question of when.

Okay so look forward to what is going to be happening it’s going to be big and it’s going to be life changing for many of us that is for sure already what is happening in ONPASSIVE is having a very positive effect on many many people and this is before we’ve even really started guys and this is why The Best Is Yet To Come everything that we are looking at the moment is being based around one product O-Connect that is where our brain is at the moment as far as what we are looking at thinking about when we’re purchasing O-Connect when we’re looking at commissions etc what are we thinking about one product aren’t we are basing our commissions and sales etc all around that one thing that one product O-Connect if I sell it I’m going to get this if I sell this many I’m going to get this much etc now start adding into the equation other things and these other things are really are what are going to make the huge difference to so many add in the part that Ash Mufareh has not told us about yet we know from a long time ago that he is adamant that he is going to make sure that he can give as much as possible back to the affiliates in ONPASSIVE.

We know already that the commission rate for O-Connect is 100% for the first sale and then 25% there on after but he also said there’s going to be other payments as well that he can’t tell us about at the moment but he will do when he is able to and also other bonuses etc are going to be coming our way adding to this other products other.

services and also physical products as well this is why I truly believe that 2024 is going to be a huge year once we’ve sorted out the merchants are concerned there really is no one stopping us and I mean there is no stopping us we’ve got everything in place we know there is 3 million users already in ONPASSIVE now can you imagine how quickly that is going to escalate once the payments in and the payments Out start flowing and people really do start getting excited because everything that I see over has told us is coming to fruition it’s not just a pipe dream anymore it is reality what do you think is going to happen when these people start telling their friends and their relatives and their families I’ve just made this amount of money from ONPASSIVE through me being a affiliate with them don’t you think that these people are going to go I want a bit of that that sounds fantastic to me so those three million that have come in through.

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